The Animal Ombudsman is not a governmental institution, nor is it gov't-funded or otherwise materially supported. It's a team of animal friends and fighters who decided to devote their time and expertise to one bold goal: to improve the life and welfare of animals in Slovakia, and to build and cruelty-free country, where citizens never remain passive when facing violence or neglect on feeble ones.
from left: Zuzana Marušincová, Patrícia Kubová, Dorota Čavojec, Zuzana Stanová, Nina Krnčok, Erika Dupejová, Jana Trellová, Oľga Becker …. and Eliška :)
We are a team of experts, but especially enthusiasts, who are not indifferent to the fate of animals and we have decided to devote our time and expertise to help them. We have been doing so since childhood, we our love for them in our DNA :)
If you are a lawyer by training and experience, if you are a partner in a law firm or a manager in a firm where qualified lawyers work, contribute at least a few hours of volunteer work to solve animal welfare problems. Become part of the Animal Ombudsman to show your corporate social responsibility.
Marcela Juríčková- expert on pet animals-canine, and the topic of illegal breeding
Oľga Beckerová- on pet animals-feline
Zuzana Stanová- expert on public and criminal law
Zuzana Stanová
Oľga Beckerová
Lenka Bičkošová
Martin “Pyco” Rausch, TV host
Lucia Siposová, actress, writer, columnist
Michael Szatmáry, TV host
Kristína K. , TV reporter of the investigatory “REFLEX” TV journal and prestigeous OTO prize holder, for courageous investigative journalism on the topic of animal abuse
Ivan “Binďo” Bindas, EUROPA 2 radio host
is undoubtedly the first event of its kind in Slovakia, and which has found a stable place in the social calendar of the inhabitants and visitors of Bratislava and Košice for its 20 editions. It is not only the first and most known animal adoption festival in the country, but it also serves as sn unique showcase platform for the shelters from all across Slovakia by which they can build their brand, fundraise in other words, an opportunity for families who want to adopt abandoned animals, but struggle to go to the shelter or otherwise fail to find a new home.
On Find yourselves, the abandoned animals of all kinds from all over Slovakia who are looking for a home arrive for one day and who would not have a chance to get to know. Both the ebent hosts as well as shelter representatives then tell the stories of the individual animals, so that families can choose better the animal, which is most suitable for them.
Moreover, experts are available for free consultation for families whose adopt or those, who already have an animal but need expert advice. There are also great opportunities for volunteerism and community life: volunteering in shelter stands, long term expert volunteerism for shelters, in donating of in-kind or other gift. So far, thanks to the event, more than 300 abandoned animals, including farm animals, have been found with their new happy home. The event also has a rich accompanying program with main focus on the protection of nature and animals: environmentally aware celebrities meet and greet, music and theatre, competitions for children, etc. Families spend an active and cheerful day together in fresh air. Own animals are also very welcome, so you don’t want to adopt another one, you can just come and spend time in a pleasant company.
We are very proud to admit, that Nájdite sa/Find yourselves, our open-air happening, enjoys extraordinary support of the media and celebrities who cooperate with us, such as actresses Kristina Tormová, our lovely ambassador, Lucia Siposová and Zuzana Vačková, TV and Radio presenters Pyco, Matúš Krnčok, Binďo and Michal Sabo, famous beauties Lucia Hablovičová, Romi Klimeková and Soňa Skoncová, signers Emma Drobná, Zdenka Predná and Sima Martausová and many others, ambassadors, mayors, regional presidents… And in the past, even the then Prime Minister Iveta Radičová almost adopted a puppy from us, and it would have been her 6th stray animal adoption 🙂
We point to the cruelty and injustice committed on defenseless beings. However, we want to act especially preventively so that we do not always witness the sad cases of maltreatment and irresponsible treatment of animals. We do not just wish to set the mirror, but to be otherwise useful.
Are you witnessing animal abuse? Does the dog suffer from a short chain, the neighboring herd hungers? Did you find a little jewel and you do not know whether you can keep it in the yard? Are you calling to the police and the authorities, and the officials are just referring to one another? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in our BE LIKE OMBUDSMAN Guide HERE.
Did not find what you were looking for? We’d like to help! Call us at 0948 022 121 or write to us through our
CONTACT FORMOur successes
In 2011, we have imposed stricter penalties for animal abuse. Our petition was supported over 38,000 citizens in 21 days! And LED TO REAL CHANGE OF CRIMINAL CODE!
More info
In 2018 we achieved a law amendment, according to which animals are no longer mere “things”, but living and sentient beings”. This amendment represents the biggest positive change achieved in Slovakia in the last decade. More info:
We have installed, that it is now criminal not only if one intentionally abuses or tortures an animal, since 2011 it is sufficient if your animal suffers as a result of your negligence. Whoever makes his livestock suffer by hunger today because he “does not have money for feeding them” while, f.e.x he is not willing to sell them or otherwise ensure their proper care, he commits offence. More info
Do you know that “animal laws” in Slovakia are broken-down into an unclear mass of laws, decrees and measures that is very tricky to find direction in, even for an expert? Did you know that Slovakia once had a separate Animal protection Act, but it was long ago revoked, and as a result, today it is only one paragraph in the Veterinary Act that really covers the animal welfare? Therefore, we set as our main objective in the legislative area, the adoption of a separate Animal Protection Act. As a matter of fact, the code bill is ready and is awaiting submission to Parliament since 2011, when its adoption was terminated by the fall of the government. From the beginning we participated together with Dog in Peril organisation on its preparation. The following political representatives of MinAgri did not show any interest whatsoever in this topic, until recently. Although the result of the new negotiations will not be adoption of the Code Bill but “only” the amendment of the Veterinary Act, it is the nevertheless the biggest ground-breaking success in animal protection in Slovakia in the last 6 years: as the bill finally acknowledges ANIMALS NOT AS MERE “THINGS”, BUT SENTIENT BEINGS. (YES, your eyes do not deceive you- until today, animals we regarded by Slovak laws as mere “things”, i.e. items of ecomic value and trade).
Eventually For more information on the bill and our partners in this project, visit www.zooz.sk. More info
ombudsman for animals, chairwoman of the board
A lawyer by training and activist by heart, Zuzana is the co-author of an effective amendment to the Criminal Law, which has doubled the punishments for animal abuse. She is also the co-initiator of the petition for the same goal, supported by more than 38,000 citizens in 21 days. Provided a temporary or permanent home of about twenty of the longest and most reluctant, some five remained in the family permanently. When she does spend her time with her kids, son Nikita and daughter Anna Elizabeth, or beloved animals, she fights for the protection of the environment and Slovakia’s cultural heritage.
contact for media
project manager, Find yourselves charity event
Phone number: 0944 210 780
PR a social media
Phone number: 0907 778 715
strategic networking for projects Find yourselves a Animal Hero
contact person for shelters and Find yourselves official photographer
Patrícia Kubová (21) is a volunteer and a member of the team since 2017. Loving animals since she was a child, she decided to join Zvierací ombudsman and help. Her duty is to coordinate our programme Najdite sa and communication with shelters and sanctuaries.
Office Director
Phone number: 0910674987
dignitary chairwoman, founder
Michal is a lawyer, an expert on European law and, more recently, environmental law and general ecology. In addition to activities for the Animal Ombudsman, he is happy to devote himself to various environmental activities as well as volunteering for various civic associations and non-profit organizations.
Adriana is a lawyer who has been working in the field of administrative and European law, but has been studying animal protection since her studies, and has therefore successfully completed her studies at the Faculty of Law with a rigorous exam and work on Criminal Law Protection. In her free time (of which she doesn’t have much on maternity leave), she provides legal aid for protection associations and non-profit organizations, as well as various activities for the Animal Ombudsman, in particular criminal law, illegal breeders topic, and the objective of financing public shelters from governmental resources.
Dr. Bea is an attorney, but she has also previously worked in public administration. Since little child she grew up with animals and therefore can not accept the harm done to them in Slovakia. Therefore, she has decided to work with the Animal Ombudsman to help animals live with dignity they rightfully deserve.
If you are a lawyer by training and experience, if you are a partner in a law firm or a manager in a firm where qualified lawyers work, contribute at least a few hours of volunteer work to solve animal welfare problems. Become part of the Animal Ombudsman to show your corporate social responsibility.